Situation: You love someone but you can't go without the thrill of sneaking behind his / her back to share your abundant love with someone else
Hypothesis: If you love someone, you won't hurt him / her
Strategy: Lead multiple lives without one knowing the existence of the other(s)
Rationale: If you love someone enough, you would die to see your loved one's ignorance shattered to pieces. But YOU would die too if you had to give up your vice. You might love just the one but without the other you could not love as much you can him / her now. Your soul is hungry for thrills and only when satiated can it be translated into love which you generously share with the one and only.
Conclusion: If you HAVE to cheat, you would by all means cheat behind his / her back. If you cheat openly, you're frankly nothing but a prick.
Note: That is my view on the difference between polygamy and (discrete) adultery. Cheating is wrong. But if what is wrong is unavoidable, then the lesser of the two evil = discrete adultery.
Open adultery = polygamy = Fucked up.
So there you go. My penny's worth of thought. In summary ignorance IS bliss.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Friday, 15 August 2008
Warm and Fuzzy Inside :))))
Have not felt this good since I started work. It was a super busy day. We were all knackered and starving but the 'picnic lunch over paperwork' was surprisingly better than the lunch in the canteen. And when the girls downstairs gave us their leftover chocolate fudge cake at 6pm we were over the moon! Nothing satisfies a bunch of hungry and tired rascals and we just laughed our way upstairs. The change in mood was sooo obvious and the girls were simply amazed. The 10 minute break for cake was a great booster.
I don't know whether it's the endorphin or the fact that I realised that my team is an amazing bunch. And that we'll survive no matter how crazy busy or downhill things are going. And for that I'm happily doing unpaid overtime today. Not that I'm a workaholic but it's so satisfying seeing the shaded boxes in the jobs list. One more thing done and the urge to do another. Damn OCD man hehe...
Well I suppose it's OK since this is the team that I'm happy to work with. I'm grateful I'm working with them and I know everything will be alright... well.. alright til maybe the next 'military check' tomorrow morning when we might be blasted for forgetting something. Oh well, my skin's damn thick already... Yeah everything will be alright (fingers crossed xxx) :))))
I don't know whether it's the endorphin or the fact that I realised that my team is an amazing bunch. And that we'll survive no matter how crazy busy or downhill things are going. And for that I'm happily doing unpaid overtime today. Not that I'm a workaholic but it's so satisfying seeing the shaded boxes in the jobs list. One more thing done and the urge to do another. Damn OCD man hehe...
Well I suppose it's OK since this is the team that I'm happy to work with. I'm grateful I'm working with them and I know everything will be alright... well.. alright til maybe the next 'military check' tomorrow morning when we might be blasted for forgetting something. Oh well, my skin's damn thick already... Yeah everything will be alright (fingers crossed xxx) :))))
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Didn't realise my fatigue was so obvious til I was stopped by a stranger from across the street, 5 minutes away from my much needed bed.
"You look weary."
Err do I know this guy? Fred, the caretaker? Sure doesn't look like him. Strains sleepy eyes, confirm not Fred.
He proceeds to speak louder. "You look weary. Have you been watching the Olympics?"
Man, I wish that was how I spent my last 3 sleepless nights. In front of the telly instead of running around like a headless chicken trying not to panic and barely able to keep things under control. Haiyo so not the time for a conversation la mister. I NEED my bed.
"It's been raining a lot in Beijing. I thought Beijing has nice weather. Is the rain normal?"
Ahh one of those moments. Confirm these ang mohs cannot differentiate Asian features. OK must come up with something fast, battery low...shutting down... shutting down...
"Yeah, it's monsoon season now. Cya!"
Anyways in the spirit of Olympics (and mistaken identity)- which I frankly have no clue about-or to that effect anything else that is happening outside the grey building that I'm imprisoned in during my waking hours, here's an MV filled with cutesy stars, which reminds me of my painful Hong Kong drama serials withdrawal.
Not the best MV but it grows on me after a while. Something about it that hits home. Can't really pinpoint what exactly. Yikes, why am I even trying to rationalise it? Decision making chip overheated >.<
Sigh, now I have to stay awake to reset my body clock. This rota is so so screwed up. 3 days off is realistically less than 2 days off as at least one day is spent recuperating after nights.
P/S: I have a job vacancy to offer to someone who could sort my life ie. an all-in-one maid/driver/PA/manager. Or better still someone who could work on behalf of me but the pay at the end of the month goes to my pocket la. Any takers? ;)
"You look weary."
Err do I know this guy? Fred, the caretaker? Sure doesn't look like him. Strains sleepy eyes, confirm not Fred.
He proceeds to speak louder. "You look weary. Have you been watching the Olympics?"
Man, I wish that was how I spent my last 3 sleepless nights. In front of the telly instead of running around like a headless chicken trying not to panic and barely able to keep things under control. Haiyo so not the time for a conversation la mister. I NEED my bed.
"It's been raining a lot in Beijing. I thought Beijing has nice weather. Is the rain normal?"
Ahh one of those moments. Confirm these ang mohs cannot differentiate Asian features. OK must come up with something fast, battery low...shutting down... shutting down...
"Yeah, it's monsoon season now. Cya!"
Anyways in the spirit of Olympics (and mistaken identity)- which I frankly have no clue about-or to that effect anything else that is happening outside the grey building that I'm imprisoned in during my waking hours, here's an MV filled with cutesy stars, which reminds me of my painful Hong Kong drama serials withdrawal.
Not the best MV but it grows on me after a while. Something about it that hits home. Can't really pinpoint what exactly. Yikes, why am I even trying to rationalise it? Decision making chip overheated >.<
Sigh, now I have to stay awake to reset my body clock. This rota is so so screwed up. 3 days off is realistically less than 2 days off as at least one day is spent recuperating after nights.
P/S: I have a job vacancy to offer to someone who could sort my life ie. an all-in-one maid/driver/PA/manager. Or better still someone who could work on behalf of me but the pay at the end of the month goes to my pocket la. Any takers? ;)
Monday, 4 August 2008
Let Your Imagination Run Wild
Let's see...if I had the chance to pick just any gift for a fellow Nuffnanger, I would most certainly choose to reward none other than the co-owner of this blog. The girl who reciprocates my smile with a grin, my ideas with actions, my walk with skips and my whispers with giggles. The girl who could not fathom the meaning of logic and laughs at my worries. This is the girl who would talk to birds to find out whether they have ears, plant apple seeds in yoghurt pots of soil in an attempt to grow apple trees in the fridge and press vending machine buttons without inserting any money prior to that yet almost always end up with something courtesy of those around, strangers included. This is the girl who believes that her toys will come out and play by themselves when everyone is asleep. This is the girl who sees what others don't and enjoys sharing her escapades with those who dare to admit that unicorns are actually the cousins of fairies.
So...for this very special girl, I have chosen ...
a Canon Digital Video Camcorder HV20 from Realmart. This will undoubtedly keep her entertained for hours and the best part is many others would gain to benefit from her adventures as they envision what she sees through her eye lenses. Get the latest scoop on the latest scandals. Explore the world of singing buttons and evil lemons. And if we are lucky, we might even get a glimpse of her toys having a party by themselves!
Post brought to you in relation to Nuffnang Gift Ideas Contest ;)
So...for this very special girl, I have chosen ...
Post brought to you in relation to Nuffnang Gift Ideas Contest ;)
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Do I Have To Be So Kiam?
Got the first sight of my new place today and I'm utterly gutted. So what everybody's been saying is true afterall. All this while and I just brushed the comments and advices aside, thinking that they might just be fussy and have expensive tastes (despite me being one of the most critical around). My brain told me not to believe until I have seen it for myself. I conjured up the worst image, made rough plans on how to cope with not having internet access and had strategies of moving gradually ie living at 2 places until I'm completely settled in the new place. I don't know how polygamous people do it but just the thought of planning which bed I'm sleeping in a certain day in a week leaves me drained. Anyways all that clearly wasn't enough to prepare me for today.
The room is half the size of my current room which is more than expected from the generous descriptions of other predecessors. Already planned for disposal of unnecessary belongings, although I know for sure that wouldn't even be sufficient- yes it's TINY-more suitable for a hamster. The furnishings or lack thereof leave much to be desired. Who builds wooden furniture and leave the insides unsanded? And neither painted nor varnished? If proper nice wood can la haiyo...So called wardrobe, chest drawers are that basic. OK reminds self the rent's bloody bloody cheap. Although it used to be free.. but even with an unfair charge now, it's still bloody bloody cheap! Yeah I could probably adapt to this shabby room since I spend most of my time hibernating away anyway.
Wandered out to have a better feel of the place. This IS a dorm. So MANY people on this floor alone. Fine- can deal with it. Kitchen's equipped with basic appliances. That's it. So many people and just a table and 2 chairs? Minimal space for personal belongings ie have to convert miniscule bedroom into studio bedroom. Have to lug crockery, cutlery and food out into the kitchen and back into room each time I feel like having a meal? Starts psyching self... Well, it's not even conducive for meal preparations, so maybe I could live on biscuits all year round? And alternate it with meals from the errr 'nutritious' canteen?
Next stop. Toilets. Errr.. Cubicles of just toilet bowls. Looks clean. Ok I guess... Move on. Showers. How in the world do so many people share that number of showers and baths (who the hell uses baths in shared accommodation?!!??)? Did the maths and realised word about people having to queue for them is well more than logical. It IS definitely true! Die Die!!!!
OK shabby room I can possibly ignore if I try really really hard. No proper showering facilities cannot la wei. Shower also feel guilty coz there's a whole line waiting after you. How la? Somemore no internet o_O How to tahan for a year like this?!??!
So tempted to go look for a proper place to rent now. But it'll definitely cost about 4 times more. And truthfully this shithole is irresistably cheap! In all my years here, NOWHERE else can be this cheap. But then again, even if it was still free, I admit I'd still think twice. It's frankly not fit for occupancy, not only it's unethical to charge for it from this year onwards, it's a safety hazard- to physical (eeewww going without showers for 3 days etc) and mental (thinking that people are noticing the build up of dirt on your skin) wellbeing! This is the worst place ever la, shockingly even more than any existing student accommodation. BUT it's DIRT CHEAP!
The thing is I'm currently paying 3 times more. If I had it my way, I'll continue staying here despite the higher rent since I'm so attached to this place plus lazy to move also. What to do, the downside of not being a student anymore means I can't stay in fuss-free all-in student accommodations any longer. Sigh...
So how la? Should I try this crappy place out which by the way is only 2 minutes away from my workplace? Could possibly do the alternate nights here and there before I'm officially evicted end of this month just to get a feel...Hmmm...I wonder whether the money saved will be used towards treating my future skin disease and other associated disorders which I predict will develop soon enough if I go with this option.
OR stop being kiam AND greedy and just go look for a proper place to live? BUT the monetary difference in potential savings is actually quite significant especially after conversion. Argh!!! BUT (ok this is the last but) what is the point of working day and night and yet at the end of it not being able to even look forward to heading back to a nice comfy place to unwind? Haiyo... see la, that's why I said home is best. Sigh...
The room is half the size of my current room which is more than expected from the generous descriptions of other predecessors. Already planned for disposal of unnecessary belongings, although I know for sure that wouldn't even be sufficient- yes it's TINY-more suitable for a hamster. The furnishings or lack thereof leave much to be desired. Who builds wooden furniture and leave the insides unsanded? And neither painted nor varnished? If proper nice wood can la haiyo...So called wardrobe, chest drawers are that basic. OK reminds self the rent's bloody bloody cheap. Although it used to be free.. but even with an unfair charge now, it's still bloody bloody cheap! Yeah I could probably adapt to this shabby room since I spend most of my time hibernating away anyway.
Wandered out to have a better feel of the place. This IS a dorm. So MANY people on this floor alone. Fine- can deal with it. Kitchen's equipped with basic appliances. That's it. So many people and just a table and 2 chairs? Minimal space for personal belongings ie have to convert miniscule bedroom into studio bedroom. Have to lug crockery, cutlery and food out into the kitchen and back into room each time I feel like having a meal? Starts psyching self... Well, it's not even conducive for meal preparations, so maybe I could live on biscuits all year round? And alternate it with meals from the errr 'nutritious' canteen?
Next stop. Toilets. Errr.. Cubicles of just toilet bowls. Looks clean. Ok I guess... Move on. Showers. How in the world do so many people share that number of showers and baths (who the hell uses baths in shared accommodation?!!??)? Did the maths and realised word about people having to queue for them is well more than logical. It IS definitely true! Die Die!!!!
OK shabby room I can possibly ignore if I try really really hard. No proper showering facilities cannot la wei. Shower also feel guilty coz there's a whole line waiting after you. How la? Somemore no internet o_O How to tahan for a year like this?!??!
So tempted to go look for a proper place to rent now. But it'll definitely cost about 4 times more. And truthfully this shithole is irresistably cheap! In all my years here, NOWHERE else can be this cheap. But then again, even if it was still free, I admit I'd still think twice. It's frankly not fit for occupancy, not only it's unethical to charge for it from this year onwards, it's a safety hazard- to physical (eeewww going without showers for 3 days etc) and mental (thinking that people are noticing the build up of dirt on your skin) wellbeing! This is the worst place ever la, shockingly even more than any existing student accommodation. BUT it's DIRT CHEAP!
The thing is I'm currently paying 3 times more. If I had it my way, I'll continue staying here despite the higher rent since I'm so attached to this place plus lazy to move also. What to do, the downside of not being a student anymore means I can't stay in fuss-free all-in student accommodations any longer. Sigh...
So how la? Should I try this crappy place out which by the way is only 2 minutes away from my workplace? Could possibly do the alternate nights here and there before I'm officially evicted end of this month just to get a feel...Hmmm...I wonder whether the money saved will be used towards treating my future skin disease and other associated disorders which I predict will develop soon enough if I go with this option.
OR stop being kiam AND greedy and just go look for a proper place to live? BUT the monetary difference in potential savings is actually quite significant especially after conversion. Argh!!! BUT (ok this is the last but) what is the point of working day and night and yet at the end of it not being able to even look forward to heading back to a nice comfy place to unwind? Haiyo... see la, that's why I said home is best. Sigh...
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