Saturday, 22 March 2008

Rejoicing Baby Fu's Recovery


This time last week... I was worried for my baby's health. The thought of her never seeing another day did cross my mind. I was very much in denial. Throughout the 2.5 years, she was nothing but a bundle of joy; a fighter who grew wiser and more confident with each obstacle that surprises her. She held my hand through thick and thin; skipped and laughed with me when I was all sunshiney and happy; cuddled me to sleep when I was battered and bruised. Oh the times we had together...

Sure she had her bouts of coughs and colds, some episodes more severe than others, but nothing as serious as last Friday when she was unrousable and could only muster a few grunts in my arms. It was so sudden that I was at a lost. I called out her name, cradled her and yet her beautiful eyes would not open. What had happened? There was not a slightest indication of her being unwell the previous night. Could it be a curse? Perhaps the same curse that had taken Baby Jeremy away from us?

Fu and Jeremy were non-identical twins. Although they were poles apart looks and personality wise, they were mostly inseparable. That was until last month when Baby Jeremy caught the notorious flu bug. For the first time in their short lives, they had to be separated for a long period. As Baby Jeremy coughed and spluttered in the isolation unit, Baby Fu was trudging on, not quite understanding what had happened to her cheeky side-kick. The day she saw her brother lying motionless confused her even more. Was he pretending? Is this a new game they were playing? Who was the more convincing dead possum?

Looking at her that morning transported me back to that dreadful day a month ago. Did she not want to wake up because she was busy catching up with little Jeremy? Was he showing her new tricks? How I wished then that that was not the case...

Luckily, the doctor who admitted her under his care was very reassuring, assessing and resuscitating her with much aplomb. Baby Fu has recovered well since the removal of her diseased lung. She is understandably not as energetic with only one healthy lung in her growing body. Nevertheless, she's taking it all in her stride and is waiting patiently for a lung transplant which hopefully will take place in the near future. Til then, I am sure she'll not be hindered in any way, being the tough soldier she is.

Baby Fu with the now demised Lil' Jeremy the mouse

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