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So the verdict's out. The grand finale at 1 Utama last night saw manja Hanis and pufferfish Adeline scampering behind daddy's girl Cindy in a bid to be known as the Malaysian Dreamgirl. As Elaine announced Hanis as the 2nd runner-up, it was obvious who the eventual winner would be considering the unwavering support of Cindy's family and *ahem* fans.
Earlier on, there were efforts made to locate the famous Malaysian Dreamfather amongst the crowd, but the celebrity uncle opted to remain low profile and did not respond to Elaine's request for him to provide a face to the familiar voice. Even the trick of identifying Adeline's dad prior to that did not cut it for the shy uncle. Only after Cindy was asked to point out her dad that it was evident that he WAS there to support her til the final leg.
It sure must be hard to be Cindy Tey right now. We know she's got the cash, but has she got what it takes to make it big in the industry? Can money buy success and happiness? Only time will prove whether the girl-next-door can live up to her title and quash rumours of her rigged victory.
Drops of defeat smeared her face,
The darkness welled invitingly deep,
Her porcelain form crumbled silently,
For the pain was all too familiar...
Rays of light stroked the sharp edges,
A glint in the eyes,
A sliver of hope...
The mask ready to be worn,
The smile ready to be drawn...
Headed straight to the kitchen after 12 hours of sleep. Eh, nothing on the table. Haiya must kau-tim lunch myself today...Lazy... What to eat?
Bread? Not exciting...
Leftovers? Nah...
Hmm...feel like having something light... and vitagen...then can tumble back into bed and wake up in time for dinner hehehe...
Happily clutching my treasures, my uncorrected blurry eyes spotted a note under an empty tupperware in the middle of the table. It wasn't there previously when I scoured for food, was it?
*Squint* Squint *
"LOOK FOR MEE (fridge)"
Opened the fridge again and heyho there were 2 packets of curry mee in the bottom rack...
12 hours of sleep = 861.6 kcal burnt
1 big bowl of curry mee = 700 kcal consumed
Whoah energy deficit somemore, MUST add in the apple and vitagen AND biscuits also mwahaha...
This show is such a sham! It's obvious that the eventual winner would not be the 'Malaysian Dreamgirl' but rather 'Malaysian Most Vote-licious Babe'.
To be fair, there wasn't much potential to start off with... You would at least expect the finalists to walk the talk BUT these girls can't even stagger whatmore strut on the runway! Sway in pasar malam can la...
It was hilarious see
ing them in MIFA, even the muses had more presence than these model wannabes. And the difference with the real models? Wallau-eh... Better not say, if not muntah darah only...
Also, their weekly photoshoots have lately been crappier than teh ais without milk. I thought the one and only decent image that could be churned out of Wella's shoot 2 weeks ago was this which showed an improvement on Fiqa's part. However it was too little too late and she was sent home last week.
The remaining 6 tried to look glamorous in the latest Savanh Too's shoot and failed miserably. One good thing could come out of it though... You'll laugh so hard looking at the images that your tummy will thank you for the instant workout... No sweat somemore...
At this rate, I won't be surprised if Cindy or Ringo wins the 'Malaysian Dreamgirl' title. It's just a battle of votes between Cindy's loaded dad and Ringo's blogosphere fans... Oh, and maybe some donation in between from Hanis mom's datin friends, and fans of the other contestants...
I was minding my own business, walking as fast as my short stubby legs would allow me to, trying hard to ignore this big group of seagulls hovering closely above me, when 2 clearly disturbed ones flew straight onto the road and decided to 'rest' there. The oncoming white MPV DID slow down slightly but these two were undoubtedly suicidal and bloody hell, first the crushing sound, then the sight... Even the surviving fool changed its birdbrain mind and ditched his pal there! The ensuing cars had to drive over the bulky body, manoeuvring their vehicles so that their tyres don't run it over- again!...Argh... before my very own eyes!!! Damn traumatised man... Too shocked until didn't even think of getting the MPV's number plate... Yeeeessshhh...
Who would have thought?
Sufiah Yusuf aka
Shilpa LeeThen...
Ice age...
Global warming...
Oxford's maths student...
Add a no-frills bed,
Subtract the clothes,
Divide the legs,
Multiply if protection fails...
Ahahaha...I salute those who were bending over their gardens pottering about in the sunshine over the past week, preparing themselves for a beauoootiful sight come summer. We may have turned the clocks forward last week, but winter's definitely not packed her bags yet. The fertilised soil sure loves nothing more than a fresh coating of crisp cold snow. In fact, if you listen closely to the wind, you can hear sighs of relief from the seedlings. They have had enough prodding from kiasu fingers, the pressure, the threats, all just make them feel like biting a chunk out of those grubby appendages. If only they had teeth...
Joy to the world that their plight has been heard by the superkepoh seagulls whose main existence is to taunt humans apart from being aviation spies, who went on to broadcast their newfound gossip to the Cloud family. The Clouds who are eternally indebted to these sly birds for providing them with the latest entertainment news decided to reward them by signing a pact with Winter and Wind over a cup of tea (with just a dash of milk), and lo and behold... mwahaha... white fluffy balls of joy...let it snow...
Today, I decided to put myself in the shoes of those patients who attend clinics 'informed' and 'greatly educated' by the cyberworld. I have never done this before and the very moment results came up for my search of sputum- yup, the stuff that has robbed so much of my time for the past week, I randomly picked a site- can't be bothered with reliability, credibility etc when I'm feeling so crappy. Doh! Expunging bucketfuls of gunk is hard work k, especially in the mornings when I'm fully loaded with it. Because I try to get rid as much as I can before I face the world as a relatively socially-acceptable person rather than a goo-splurting nose/mouth gun, the effort itself leaves me more tired than I was when clambering into bed the previous night.
Anyways, this website was so freaky in that it led me directly to the pneumonia page. And hypochondriacal me was joking all morning that this could be pneumonia. What are the odds right? Running down the checklist, I was becoming more convinced. Productive cough, low grade fever, chills, shortness of breath, nausea, musle and joint aches, whoah all also got leh... somemore common in winter and early spring *_*' Now I know how some people cannot be led to believe otherwise after they have compiled truckloads of info on what they think they've got. Sites like this are too darn convincing! All I saw was one page, and because it was compatible with my suspicion, I have automatically ranked it to be probable!
But of course, I'm not exactly an easy guinea pig to trick. The next move of trying to examine myself was pretty hilarious. Luckily my joints are pretty mobile. There was no way I could decipher my breath sounds although I could reach the appropriate auscultatory spots on my back. So ended up making silly noises and listening to their effects through the earpieces intead. A mixture between ET and Teletubbies hehe..
So after syok sendiri for quite some time (yeah, I admit I was procrastinating from doing more 'important' and 'useful' things), I headed off to makan! If there's one thing atypical about this is, I almost always have increased appetite and need to eat all the time when I'm sick hehe... No wonder those germs are breeding happily... I'm feeding them! Bloody free-loaders!
Ah yes, about having pneumonia, even if I DID have it, I won't go to the doctors unless I'm really ILL. And my definition of illness is quite different from the majority of the public. Can't help it... I am the sort who strongly believe that any common, non-severe conditions should be allowed to run its natural course. Still wondering why people consult doctors for common coughs and colds. You would think after so many occassions of having similar episodes, they'll realise they are self-limiting and can be managed conservatively. Hmm...Minimal doses of symptomatic relief every now and then like when my nose confuses itself for a running tap, is more than enough for me. So, none of those unnecessary antibiotics etc thank you very much. Those are for wimps! :P
The latest twist to reality programmes came to be quite a surprise when Malaysia launched the first online reality model search. Malaysian Dreamgirl is definitely homegrown seeing how it copies the local political scene closely. Some say 'any change' is definitely a step forward. Better than none... So, don't be surprised if you initially wonder how the Top 12 contestants landed up there, seeing how they performed in their profile videos. Looks- wise, you might argue that you have seen more gorgeous girls out there. Maybe they were trying to 'change' the whole top models need to appear unique and have the fresh appeal thingy by selecting random average stuttering girls on the street. But, that said, as the weeks progressed, so too did their abilities to interact with the media lenses. And in the home front, the bitchiness and cat-fights are starting to evolve, which adds juice for the viewers. When they are all together, they seem happy-clappy and are all nice and dandy amongst each other. But when filmed alone... whoah... sama macam our politicians of different camps salam-salam when press photographers are around la.
The 8 girls left to carry on the drama are...
This soo-see loving lass photographs well and would be my top preference IF she could speak properly. But then again, language skills can be worked on. Remember Amber Chia? She started off with almost incomprehensible Ingrish but now she's improved tremendously and has achieved so much for herself. So hopefully cute Adeline here gets the same chance as her role model.

This pic of her does her injustice. I must say I'm not much of a fan of her looks but I can't deny that she oozes model presence. Her photos turn out great each week and when she walks alongside her peers, she stands out. In certain lighting and angle, she is known to resemble Victoria Beckham. The arrogant, 'I don't give a damn' look sells for me. Unfortunately, the Malaysian public doesn't seem to agree, leaving her with the least weekly votes for quite some time now. Top models are supposed to look cool and unapproachabe la, then only got class mah...
The most level-headed mummy of the house sure can be a hot guy! She almost got booted out last week but was saved by one lingerie-model potential Valerie's elimination. I wonder whether all hell will break loose if Jay's no longer around.
The protagonist of the current conflict. Portrayed as cunning, and admitting openly to faking tears during one of the elimination rounds when her dad chided her for crying. But when her closest mate left last week, there was no display of any emotions. Although not much talent in the modelling department, I think she should stay longer as she adds spice to the show.
Then, there's also...

young skinny Hanis who has an over-bearing boyfriend and mummy advisor who's keeping her clued on what's hot and not. Fast learner and evident improvement throughout the series. Always has an opinion which helps the audience snoop into the girls' personalities.
The 'ngan sap sap, just woke up, I am weak' look doesn't work for me. Needs to work on gaze intensity and expression ranges. And oh yes, just like what the judges said, MUST learn to suck in her tummy. Otherwise, articulate and sweet.
Roar!! Why do I picture her in animal prints? Hmmm... looks a little intimidating. Better hide before she eats me alive!!! Luckily, the recent White Summer shoot portrayed her as less menacing and could actually pass of as being quite demure...
And last but not least, the most petite participant, blogger Ringo. Height is important, but realistically speaking in Malaysia, how many girls grow past 5'7"? Eat as much kacang panjang, drink gallons of milk and jump
24/7 also not much use wan unless you cheat your genes by having a bone lengthening operation. And since this is afterall Malaysian Dreamgirl, maybe the winner should have the stature of the average citizen? She drew some flak when she just entered the house. And it was because of what she wrote about her fellow participants in her blog. Seriously, you enter a modelling competition and a voting-based one at that, and you can't accept criticisms? Sigh... But, Ringo was sure quick to warm up to the rest of them and blend in. Maybe Cindy should learn a thing or two from her?
So, there you have it. This is what's been keeping me occupied these days... New episodes every Thursdays and Saturdays...