The 8 girls left to carry on the drama are...
This soo-see loving lass photographs well and would be my top preference IF she could speak properly. But then again, language skills can be worked on. Remember Amber Chia? She started off with almost incomprehensible Ingrish but now she's improved tremendously and has achieved so much for herself. So hopefully cute Adeline here gets the same chance as her role model.
This pic of her does her injustice. I must say I'm not much of a fan of her looks but I can't deny that she oozes model presence. Her photos turn out great each week and when she walks alongside her peers, she stands out. In certain lighting and angle, she is known to resemble Victoria Beckham. The arrogant, 'I don't give a damn' look sells for me. Unfortunately, the Malaysian public doesn't seem to agree, leaving her with the least weekly votes for quite some time now. Top models are supposed to look cool and unapproachabe la, then only got class mah...
The most level-headed mummy of the house sure can be a hot guy! She almost got booted out last week but was saved by one lingerie-model potential Valerie's elimination. I wonder whether all hell will break loose if Jay's no longer around.
The protagonist of the current conflict. Portrayed as cunning, and admitting openly to faking tears during one of the elimination rounds when her dad chided her for crying. But when her closest mate left last week, there was no display of any emotions. Although not much talent in the modelling department, I think she should stay longer as she adds spice to the show.
Then, there's also...
young skinny Hanis who has an over-bearing boyfriend and mummy advisor who's keeping her clued on what's hot and not. Fast learner and evident improvement throughout the series. Always has an opinion which helps the audience snoop into the girls' personalities.
The 'ngan sap sap, just woke up, I am weak' look doesn't work for me. Needs to work on gaze intensity and expression ranges. And oh yes, just like what the judges said, MUST learn to suck in her tummy. Otherwise, articulate and sweet.
Roar!! Why do I picture her in animal prints? Hmmm... looks a little intimidating. Better hide before she eats me alive!!! Luckily, the recent White Summer shoot portrayed her as less menacing and could actually pass of as being quite demure...
And last but not least, the most petite participant, blogger Ringo. Height is important, but realistically speaking in Malaysia, how many girls grow past 5'7"? Eat as much kacang panjang, drink gallons of milk and jump
So, there you have it. This is what's been keeping me occupied these days... New episodes every Thursdays and Saturdays...
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